Was the first moon landing a fake?

Was the first moon landing fake? there has been a big debate on whether the first moon landing was a fake or not. here’s a picture of the first moon landing see if you can see whats wrong with it:





on the moon there is no atmosphere! so that means the is no air, wind, rain so that flag cant be blowing on the surface of the moon! if you placed a flag on the surface of the moon it would just flop down, never rust or fall over it would just stay there.

N.A.S.A say that the flag appears to be waving because at the top it is connected to an antenna which the astronautics couldn’t open properly giving the flag a wavy look!

Also if you look very carefully there is something else wrong in this picture, something missing can you spot it?

THERE ARE NO STARS IN THE SKY! in the picture you can not see a single star in the sky its all just black, mabie a black background throw???

and finally there is one more thing that is wrong gratefully pointed out by my mum and that is that Neil Armstrong’s shadow is pointing one way and the flag pole’s shadow is pointing in the opposite direction mabie 2 spot lights??

I personally believe that it was fake because at the time it was a race between America and Russia, i think that America knew that Russia would win so they faked the moon landing to make it out like they got their first!


tell me what you thinks in the reply section below.

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